XYZ: “Bigot Site” Quote of the Day



Screen Shot 2016-03-09 at 11.13.47 PMWe at the XYZ are used to insults.

We are told virtually on a daily basis how “bigoted”, “islamophobic”, “homophobic”, etc, etc. we are.

In addition to giving us something to chuckle over during our morning coffees, we take these insults as an affirmation that we are doing something right.

The XYZ stands against speech suppression and tyranny in all its forms. We believe that people should be free to express opinions, regardless of their popularity or the ‘correctness’ they are deemed by certain self appointed gatekeepers of speech.

We firmly believe that all ideas and opinions can, and should be debated on their merit.

And we will continue to expose the disingenuous tactic of branding some opinions and commentators outside of acceptable debate.

We hope today’s Quote of the Day gives you a good giggle as it did for us.

It’s your XYZ