The West befuddled about terrorist attacks


It’s a curious thinking problem when Western media is left to ponder, why are terrorists blowing us up?

Blowing people and things and yourself up is not a new thing. The Middle East and many countries who have submitted to Islamic rule know that this is a fact of life under the yolk of Islam.

7663095142_ed81f45114_TerroristOnly half joking, I will suggest that the grim realities of life under the Islamic paradigm, along with the incessant violence and oppression inherent in the teaching, make the thought of checking out of the this life and into the VIP room of martyrdom for eternity seem pretty damn tempting.

So, suicide bombers and acts of martyrdom on the streets in which you live – that is normal in vast parts of the middle east. Perhaps it is time for the spin doctors to get to work and sell this as part of the multicultural experience, an opportunity for us to show how love triumphs hate, how submission conquers all, and if we really want peace, there is a religion of peace…Photo by oldandsolo