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Tag: Terrorist

XYZ Live #95 – Diversity is TOTES our Strength! Sadiq Khan...

Whenever a Western leader states that "diversity is our strength" after a diversity incident in a Western city, that message is not directed toward...

The ABC’s Feminist Q&A has a total SHOCKER!

Feminists recently went on QandA and had an absolute shocker when asked a very poignant question; they proceeded to respond both honestly and tellingly. We...

ABC Shocker: QandA Panel Advocates Terrorism

Good news everybody. The ABC just went accelerationist. This is epic. The ABC openly promotes terrorism. — XYZ (@itsyourxyz) November 4, 2019 Before we examine what...

XYZ Live #60 – Alex Mannlet FANTASISES about Blair Cottrell and...

The Australian political-media establishment have been running according to the Rahm Emmanuel playbook this week, in not letting a crisis go to waste. As...

Milo banned from Australia

Australian democracy is dead. But hey, democracy is a giant con anyway. From the Australian: Far-right provocateur Milo Yian­nopoulos is set to be banned from entering...

Breaking: Terrorist Slackbastard Disappears

Patriot Neil Erikson reports that far left terrorist Blackbastard, who also goes by the pseudonym Andy Fleming, has disappeared: (function(d, s, id) { var...

Quote of the Day: Dox a Socialist

As discussed in our livestream on Monday night, the terrorist left are running scared of alternative media in Australia. In a hilarious blog post,...

Was Nelson Mandela a terrorist?

This article was originally published March 15, 2018. It has been getting some good traffic, and it is important to keep this fact in...

Burn in hell Winnie Mandela

The monster who was Winnie Mandela has died. An ABC report, while acknowledging her crimes, carries the headline "Winnie Mandela was as turbulent and...

Is the Green’s Alex Bhathal a Bully or just a Bolshevik?

XYZ last reported on Greens candidate for Batman Alex Bhathal, when she spoke at a Broadmeadows rally organised to stop the deportation of an...