Quote of the Day: Sound Advice for a Wannabe Bride


imageThe comment feeds on The XYZ Facebook page the last couple of days have been a magnificent source of inspiration. Thanks to an excellent suggestion of one of our followers, The XYZ has started a Go Fund Me campaign to help Australia’s Favourite Deputy Mayor pay his $220 fine for hosting the Wedding of the Century. Unfortunately, so far Australians appear to have cold hearts. Come on Australia! Give!

And in response to a heartfelt open letter to Coles supermarkets revealing the trauma a simple stroll through the self-checkout aisle can bring him, one of our regular posters had some kind words for our resident philosopher, Boethius:

“Chuckle chuckle. Seriously Boethius, this is no laughing matter. Having been a bride once myself, I genuinely feel your dis dress and it’s an absolute discriminatory display of sexism. These large corporations have no heart. If you want to be a bride you must summons the masses who share your innermost desires, which must be met, and presto – after a few short weeks of marches and media cover – a new anti discriminatory law will be passed. The brotherhood will stand with you on such an urgent and relevant issue. I will even make the veils for you all, however, I hope green is your colour, I can’t see you achieving traditional (we can’t have that) White. Please shave before your big day. Good luck.”

Congratulations, you just made Quote of the Day.

It’s your XYZ.