Julia Gillard: there will be no gay marriage under a government I lead 



One does not need to read beyond the opening sentence of this report in today’s Guardian to be assaulted with a full frontal dose of breathtaking hypocrisy (that it only takes a sentence to get there is quite merciful really, as one sentence is about as much as one can bear from the embittered sandal wearing types who write for the The Guardian these days). Behold if you will, reader, former PM Julia Gillard now comes out strongly in favour of gay marriage:

Wrote luvvy Lenore in the Guardian – ‘Julia Gillard has launched a passionate attack against Tony Abbott’s plan for a “people’s vote” on same sex marriage, saying the idea poses “real dangers” to democracy because it implies politicians are not capable of taking decisions or leading reforms.’

Ms Gillard, who is now a second rate author, rather than a second rate Prime Minister, actually had six years leading a government that challenged the Weimar Republic of 1920’s Germany for historic levels of gross incompetence and debt accumulation, inflicting on Australians failed policies in the carbon area, the asylum seeker area, and shall we go on… perhaps not. Yet one thing she and her government could have done was to let Brians and Steves all over the country marry. But Ms Gillard, and even her own gay frontbencher Mr Wong, left them crying at the altar (metaphorically speaking). And she now has the extreme chutzpah to say the Abbott proposal for a plebiscite “poses real dangers to democracy because it implies politicians are not capable of taking decisions or leading reforms.”

Observe and marvel at this, if you will reader. A plebiscite, in which everyone gets the chance to vote on the matter, is a danger to democracy. Thanks for clarifying that former PM, I was misguided enough to think it actually was democracy. And now this rolled gold piece of hypocrisy, Ms Gillard actually said the plebiscite plan “implies politicians are not capable of taking decisions or leading reforms.” Please check my pulse and call an ambulance if I don’t get up in reasonable time from the floor, on which I have collapsed in spontaneously helpless bouts of laughter. Is the bit about politicians not being capable of making tough decisions and leading reforms re. gay marriage a self reflection then former PM? Perhaps Ms Gillard should have said “there will be no gay marriage under the government I lead” for then it would almost certainly have been introduced.

The former PM, and the government she led, were not only incompetents and hypocrites. They were, and continue to be, utterly shameless.

Source: Julia Gillard changes her mind to back gay marriage and lambasts Abbott plan