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Tag: Gay Marriage

Gay marriage – it was always about the children

An old conservative curmudgeon who lives in a small, rural town in South East Nebraska has a detailed article examining the impact of the...

LGPT Activists Openly Call for Violence against Christians

LGPT activists are now openly calling for state violence to suppress anyone and everyone who openly criticises their degenerate lifestyle. Many during the fake marriage...

Right or Economic Liberalism

Liberalism is an economic theory and it states that trade, money and the work force should be free from constraint, able to move around...

Ian Thorpe and Lauren THOT Jackson want to lock you up

Sticks and stones, you know the rest. Since when did Ian Thorpe and mega-THOT Lauren Jackson get so whiny?: It's not okay to disagree with...

XYZ Live #93 – God Bless Israel Folau Part 2!

Israel Folau has made the completely unremarkable statement that bushfires are a sign of God's punishment on Australia for enacting homosexual marriage into law...

The TRUE Fake Marriage Agenda Exposed

This video is discussing the Gay Marriage vote and what’s happened in Australia as a direct result of it. The YES side harassed and bullied...

Good Scott Bad Scott Morrison – Best of Matty Rose Live

On Monday night's XYZ Livestream we introduced the segment "Good Scott Bad Scott". The premise is that Scott Morrison appears conservative on some policies...

Queensland Communists to hold show trials of opponents of gay marriage

Dictators love elections and free speech. It does the secret police's job for them when political dissidents, thinking they are protected by such arcane...

Is Waleed Aly being prepared for a place on the board...

Lloyd Fairweather Waleed Aly is in the news this week for allegedly being consulted by the AFL in relation to potential "rules changes". Warnie has...

Mother’s Day Madness

Have you wondered how the Lunatic Left, the Social Justice Warriors and the feminist ideologues are celebrating Mother’s Day this year? I bet you’re...