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Tag: Julia Gillard

Jewish Architect of the voice Exposed – Part 4

Editor’s Note: This week will feature a series of articles written by Brenton Sanderson, courtesy of The Occidental Observer. They focus on the role...

BREAKING: QandA advertise for audience using misleading photo of Julia Gillard

If you have clicked on this, there isn’t really anything more you can get from this piece that you haven’t already gotten from the...

What do Jordon Steele-John, Greta Thunberg, Adam Goodes, Mona Eltahawy and...

WARNING: This article contains a graphic image. None of theme are straight, white, able-bodied men. It really is as crass as that, but it is an...

Cultural destruction: Why and how the left rewrites identity and history

David In some of my previous articles, I have discussed groups such as the Socialist Alternative and the Chinese government initiative, the Confucius Institute. In...

Waleed Aly says man-made Global Warming is REAL!

Waleed Aly is the number 1 darling of the globalist Left, and part of his duties as the darling is to push the global...

Demanding that a woman do her job is bullying

Andrew Bolt is a little confused over some of the fallout from former prime minister Turnbull being sent to the New York cleaners. It...

The long, slow death of the Australian refugee movement

It’s difficult for people who aren’t inveterate watchers of the extreme Left to understand how important the Refugee movement has been to them, and...

The Mourning of John Howard (and Political Leadership in Australia)

I must be perfectly honest, I was never much of a fan of John Howard while he was prime minister of Australia. But the...

When is sexism not sexism?

With the downfall of Prime Minister Tony Abbott, the media has sent itself into a tailspin, poring over the question, "What kind of role...

Julia Gillard: there will be no gay marriage under a government...

One does not need to read beyond the opening sentence of this report in today's Guardian to be assaulted with a full frontal dose...