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Tag: visa

Morrison Government CAVES on Milo Yiannopoulos Visa!

The Scott Morrison Government has caved to grassroots conservative pressure and approved Milo Yiannopoulos’ visa for his Australia tour. This is good news but it...

Living the female entitlement dream

One aspect of the rise in feminism and the corresponding power that women now enjoy is their ability to accuse a domestic partner of...

David Icke proves Australia is a ONE-PARTY STATE

The Australian government cancelled David Icke’s visa just four hours before he was due to fly here. They acted at the behest of a...

XYZ Live #24 – Lauren Southern’s Visa Rejected, Leyonhjelm updates and...

This livestream was recorded on Monday night, before Stefan Molyneux's and Lauren Southern's visas were granted, but the discussion is still very much relevant: ...

Stefan Molyneux and Lauren Southern granted Australian visas

It appears that the public outcry over the denial of an ETA to Lauren Southern has forced the government's hand, with Axiomatic Events announcing...

Fake News Watch: Lauren Southern did not apply for the wrong...

I would like to state from the outset that yesterday we missed the perfect opportunity regarding our story Australia's Disgrace: Lauren Southern declined visa,...

Australia’s disgrace: Visa declined to Lauren Southern

Who would you rather let into the country? This guy? Or this girl? The topic of Lauren Southern's role in the alt light and the alt right...

Pop star Chris Brown and speech suppression

American R 'n' B pop star Chris Brown has been refused a visa to enter Australia. Tickets for Brown's 'One Hell of a Nite' tour...