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Tag: US presidential election

The Dingoes: KnockOff – LIVE!! US Election Coverage

The Dingoes have been doing some magnificent work, presenting regular podcasts in the style of Roy & HG or The Twelfth Man, pulling the...

Faithless Electors

BJ On the 19th of December, the Electoral College will meet to officially elect the next President and Vice President of the United States. The...

Snopes not convinced Donald Trump is President

Editor's note: On November 10, in the wake of Donald Trump's resounding win in the US Presidential Election, I wrote and published the following,...

Sinful Pride on Social Media Loses Elections for the Left

One of the main things that struck me during the U.S. Election Campaign was the merciless level of trolling on Clinton and Sanders social...

The Night Donald Dakked Waleed

It has been over a week now since the Trumpening. What a week it has been. I hope all those reading XYZ have enjoyed the sterling...

The Shocking Aftermath of a Trump Victory

Phill Scott Sources such as the Guardian are reporting that the Left are refusing to accept Donald Trump’s victory. Ironically, these are the same people...

It’s the culture, stupid

Adam Piggott The modern world has changed. Things that we have taken for granted are no longer as they once were. The Brexit result earlier...

That a candidate like Donald Trump

Bradly Billings Life lesson one, for the teary journos over at the ABC, and the keyboard smashing tantrum throwers at Fairfax – your Twitter feed...

Groundbreaking discovery of Trickledown Effect

Maxmillian Alexander If you happen to casually mention the benefits of the trickledown effect to those great minds that are inclined towards the Left of...

Half the Planet Keeps Us in Suspense

Late yesterday, millions around the planet were asked if they would accept the U.S. Presidential Election result now that it hadn't gone their way....