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XYZ Live #75 – Donald Trump takes on Big-Tech and Antifa...

On Monday night we were fresh and in fine form after a week off. Topics discussed: Antifa terrorist attack on an ICE centre. Victoria's...

A real warrior against injustice

Retired Australian rules footballer Adam Goodes has been the subject of a recent documentary that decried the horrible things that were supposedly done to...

10 year old Chess: Trump threatens Iran with nuclear annihilation on...

Last week, the dying globalist media threw a tantrum over the fact that Donald Trump refused to delegitimise his own Presidency, by refusing to...

Trump 4D chess on Iran: World leaders learn nothing

Donald Trump recently engineered the unthinkable on the North Korean peninsula, with the leaders of the North and South meeting face to face, officially...

Lorde vs the Grammys

Daniel Tobin At the time of writing, the front-page story on Fairfax's was Lorde refusing to perform at the Grammy award show because she...

Quote of the Day: The Best Eclipse Ever

In the current year, tweets make headlines.  Tweets and memes are the modern political pamphlet, conveying ideas very efficiently, and straight to the heart...

Stephen King Bemoans Dark Trump Tower from Ivory Tower

Something funny happened in Castle Rock over the past 18 months. The escapism of being able to slip away from 24/7 Trump hysteria into...

Griffin Goes to the Gulag

See comedians? This is what happens to those who capitulate. This is why it's simply impossible to bargain or reason with the white noise...

Twits tweeting away Liberty

Liberty is synonymous with tolerance, equality, freedom of religion, human rights, freedom of speech, sexual liberation and so much more. At the core of liberty...