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Tag: The Netherlands

Just what is the democratic process?

A protester who stood outside the home of a Dutch politician with a lit torch while ringing a bell has been jailed for six...

150,000 Dutch protest in Amsterdam

Yesterday 150,000 people took to the streets of Amsterdam to protest the government’s proposed policy of requiring vaccination as a condition to entry for...

There may be hope for young Dutch women

This week I learned that a long running Dutch womyn’s magazine had ceased publication after almost fifty years of publication. I had never heard...

There’s a Dutch election, dontcha know

Next week the Netherlands goes to the polls to elect yet another globalist lackey government to join all of the other globalist lackey governments...

Whites going their own way

A few days ago in Amsterdam there was a demonstration against racism attended by 5000 individuals. The Netherlands is quite literally the most un-racist...

Winter is coming Down Under

In a recent email someone accused me of fleeing Australia. I thought that this was a little over the top, but then again the...

My initial Dutch observations

I’ve been in Holland for three weeks, and in this time certain observations have turned into realizations of fundamental differences between where I was...