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Tag: speech supression

Jewish Organizations Are Close To Legally Ending Free Speech On The...

From National Justice Party. Joseph Jordan The Supreme Court is currently authoring its opinion on Section 230 of the 1996 Communications Decency Act, an enormously consequential...

Serial pest’s courtroom showdown with Sonia Kruger will further fuel white...

In order to not get put in prison for thought crime, citizens of the West are required to publicly hold to the following contradictory...

R.I.P. Alfie Evans: R.I.P. Great Britain

In Great Britain, if you are raped by a brown person the establishment don't care. In Great Britain, if you own a bike wheel...

The Lame Scotland Police

Scotland is the land that produced William Wallace, a man who fought for the freedom of his nation from the English. Robert the Bruce,...

Hasbro Gaming has Fallen to Social Justice

Hasbro has been taken over by Social Justice Warriors. They’ve banned a long-term customer from all Magic the Gathering events (owned by Hasbro) for...

Malcolm Turnbull Must Go

Editor: In this video from a couple of days ago, MattysModernLife argues that the restrictions on free speech rushed through parliament, under the pretext...

Aussie Nationalists Make the News in Sydney

There is a new player in town on the Australian Alt Right, and they have hit the ground running, making the news in Sydney...

How to save YouTube and Free Speech

MattysModernLife has created an excellent video on the information war being waged by the MSM and internet companies to stifle the growth of the...

Gillian Triggs, Paul Syvret and why you should be terrified

If you’ve been following the news recently as a good XYZ reader is wont to do, you would be aware that our entirely non...