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Tag: SpaceX

Will Elon Musk Kill the $50,000,000,000 NBN?

Last Thursday (Friday in Australian time), SpaceX launched a Falcon 9 rocket carrying 60 satellites together weighing 18 tons into low earth orbit, in...

XYZ Livestream #2 – FISA Memo, Australian Open, Elon Musk and...

Here is the FAQ Livestream for Monday February 5. Unfortunately Adam Piggot was unable to join us. In his absense David And Matty discussed the...

Elon Musk and his Tunnel of Love

Back at the blunt end of October, Elon Musk released via his Twit account a picture, claiming to be of his new and exciting...

SpaceX Plans to Fly Humans Around Moon in 2018

SpaceX has announced plans to fly two people around the moon in the second half of 2018. The people in question are private citizens,...

Elon Musk is the greatest human alive.

Elon Musk is the greatest human being alive, and will transform the face of the planet within our lifetimes. The South African made a...