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Tag: Socialism

Capitalism Or Socialism?

Liberalism puts forward the idea that we must choose between two extremes, if you don't support free speech then you support all speech being...

Winston Churchill on Jews

Originally published May 21, 2018. My attention has been drawn recently to an article by Winston Churchill, the Winston Churchill, published on February 8, 1920...

Why Is Socialism Getting Popular?

In recent years there has been a renewed interest in Socialism, to most people who saw the Soviet Union collapse that's quite a surprise....

Family, The Only Socialist Institution

"From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs" First appearing in 1851, this phrase made famous by Karl Marx, but not...

Financial Collapse Incoming: Remember Who To Blame

On the back of the Federal Reserve firing up the printing press, in what looks like a panicked attempt at preventing the inevitable rerun...

The Brexit Election and the March of Nationalism

You can't stop us. You can deplatform us, put our names on lists, misdirect us with silly ideas and gatekeepers, use lawfare against us,...

V For Vendetta – Melbourne Traditionalists Episode Eighteen

V for Vendetta is a dog of a movie. Terrible script, massive plot holes, and not even the veneer of artistic pretence to disguise...

Lunatic greenie thinks Extinction Rebellion is racist

While searching yesterday for a picture of a lunatic member of Extinction Rebellion I was given a reminder of how these lunatics think. The...

Example number one million of why women should not have the...

If you have a look at the top of my home page you will see a little button that you can click that will...

Stefan Molyneux’s EPIC FAIL on Wh1te N@tional1sm

Stefan Molyneux is a world famous writer, philosopher and content creator, he rarely makes mistakes but on this occasion, he’s made a big one. You...