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Naomi Wolf gets caught out by old white male

Climate change has been so damaging to the world not just due to the fraudulent financial cost but because of the associated damage to...

The science that cried wolf

An article today in The Australian concerning the imminent demise of the Great Barrier Reef and the exhortation that something must be done is...

Neil deGrasse Tyson BTFO

Peter O'Hare When will celebrities learn that we don't need their political platitudes? For the most part their appeals to emotion or authority can be...

I F—ing Loathe IFLS

By Eh?Nonymous As someone who largely identifies with at least a few libertarian values, I can't think of many better examples of free market thinking...

When science and politics diverge

Last night, we were treated to a remarkably interesting episode of the ABC's Q&A. Regardless of whether or not the science episode is part of the...

Climate change oxymorons and ad hominems

"Are there any phrases in today’s political lexicon more obnoxious than “the science is settled” and climate-change deniers'?" John Steele Gordon, writing for the Wall...

Would Isaac Newton be employable in 2015?

A storm over gender politics has been whipped up in the wake of Professor Tim Hunt's remarks about women in the lab. The Nobel...