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Tag: Say It With A Picture

A Picture Tells a Thousand Words About Mainstream Media Bias

Well, there was certainly some tension between President Obama, and President Elect Trump when they met at the White House after the election. Need...

Say it with a Picture: Definition of a Hippie

As one who is under obligation to frequent one of the so-called "funky" inner-city suburbs in one of Australia's major cities, a suburb popular...

Say It With A Picture: Be careful what you wish, Michael.

Before Christmas, a certain obese man made Quote of the Day, and narrowly missed being awarded The XYZ Wally of the Week.  Said fat...

Welcome refugees – Screw white people

It is very difficult to put into words just how insulting this juxtaposition of imagery is. In a funky inner city suburb somewhere in...

Say it with a Picture: Notice to men – don’t read...

In this latest instalment of Say it with a Picture, we examine the subconscious messages delivered to men, by advertisements in public places which...

Say it with a picture: Omnipresent “progressive” ad hominems

This "Say It With A Picture" comes with a telling reminder. Whenever a "progressive" tries to tell you that your argument is based only on...

Say It With A Picture: All Lives Matter

Here is our Say It With A Picture, Thursday morning.  We couldn't agree more.  Lives matter. All lives.

Say It With A Picture: Scene from a shopping mall in...

I doubt this image will get much media coverage. The national broadcaster (the ABC) is uninterested. The left wing media are, of course, ignoring...

Say It With A Picture: Sex Sells Safe Sex Message

Wednesday's instalment of Say It With A Picture takes us to the Victorian AIDS Council website, and the images that it chooses for safe...

Say It With A Picture: Ideological Wasteland

You may have to look a little closely, and then look twice, at this photo. It is one of those glorious moments when the...