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Tag: same-sex marriage

Origins of the Left

Originally published October 15, 2016.  Enjoy these days of Weimar Australia. From an anonymous contributor If you’re like me, you might have wondered where and when...

Tripping Down the Rabbit-Hole

We’re all by now familiar with the iconic scene from The Matrix in which Morpheus presents the choice to Neo of whether or not...

Wang Show 0015: Rooto

The same-sex marriage postal survey has come and gone, and we now live in the brave new world of fake marriage. (The Wang Show's Vic...

It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World – PART 5: Transgender...

You can read Part 1 of this series here, Part 2 here, Part 3 here, and Part 4 here. Sam Vimes I wrote in Part 4...

Thank you for 10,000 Facebook likes, and for Patreon contributions

It is David Hiscox here, editor of The XYZ. I am writing this post to thank all who have contributed to The XYZ smashing...

A Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World – PART 1

Sam Vimes What am I about to read, you may ask? Good question. I’m editing and reverse engineering this as I go, so I’m not...

Gay Marriage, Milo Yiannopoulos and the Welfare State

Matty's Modern Life and David Hiscox discuss the big events of the last few weeks: The passing of gay marriage legislation in Australia - Without...

A Conservative’s typical dinner party experience

Sam Vimes This screed was something I forced myself to do, following an evening several weeks ago at a dinner party at which I came...

Rebel Christian Scum

Jael the wife of Heber We of the Christian church have lost the culture wars. The tables are turned, and we are in the minority....

Thought for the Day: The only flag that should be flown...

Courtesy of Rod Lampard on Facebook: You can visit Rod Lampard's website at