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Tag: refugee petition: Save South African Farmer Nicky and her family

There is currently a petition on to support a South African family who are trying to move to Australia on humanitarian grounds. The...

Thought for the Day: When “nazi” slur won’t even work on...

Germans want their country back. From the Times: "More than 9,000 protesters from the left and far right have clashed in the troubled German city of...

Great Britain says no to Syrian Christians

Globalists have produced a glut of documentaries and advertisements about the "diversity" of the Middle East which transmit the message, either explicit or implicit,...

The long, slow death of the Australian refugee movement

It’s difficult for people who aren’t inveterate watchers of the extreme Left to understand how important the Refugee movement has been to them, and...

Do New Zealanders really want Manus refugees?

Daniel Tobin Australia, being a country full of sensible types, supports the resettlement of Manus Island and Nauru refugees in New Zealand. A Sky News Australia...

Scotland arrests man for expressing opinion

Well, it has happened. A man in Scotland has been arrested for saying the wrong thing about muslim refugees from Syria on Facebook. It...

The Syrian Refugee Question

Any time in history, if you look with honesty: you will find that people naturally shift towards living in homogenous communities, those who share...

The UN’s disingenuous stance on refugees

The disingenuous language and stance on the current immigration crisis continues from the United Nations following the latest statement from UN Secretary General Ban...

O Captain, my Captain!

It is being reported today that the father of the young boy found tragically drowned on a Turkish beach was not fleeing the war...

Hungarian Prime Minister wins ‘Nobel Prize’ in common sense by earning...

In a rare outbreak of common sense in the context of the European immigration debate, Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orban has stated the bleedingly...