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Viewer Poll: Should Clementine Ford be allowed to be employed by...

Clementine Ford is hated by pretty much every bloke in Australia who doesn't actually hate himself. Seriously, a so-called "man" would have to hate...

Thought for the Day: Clementine Ford is now a scab

Your taxes (stolen money) are now paying for Clementine Ford to continue to be fat. Feom the Unshackled: "In addition to being able to crowdfund her...

The Wit and Wisdom of Clementine Ford

As the hate golem of Australian Media, Clementine Ford, centres attention back on herself by rage quitting her day job, the question has to...

Clementine Ford goes off the deep end

In news that surprised exactly nobody with a functioning brain, serial misandrist and attention seeking opinion columnist Clementine Ford resigned from her job at...

XYZ Live #27: Lauren Southern kicked out of Lakemba and other...

In last night's livestream, David Hiscox and Matty's Modern Life discussed the following topics: Lauren Southern's exposure of the sharia law in operation in...

Nine Gobbles Fairfax

Two of Australia's biggest media companies, Nine and Fairfax, will merge to create a media giant: "Fairfax and Nine have announced a $4 billion merger...