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VIDEO: Extremist Hate Propaganda by Lying Press outlet against Freedom Protesters

nEwS.cOm have produced the most insane, extremist, hateful video of any Lying Press outlet in Australia (until now) against Freedom Rally protesters, so-called “Covid...

It’s only okay to do satire on white racists

Dressed as a hillbilly, Sasha Baron Cohen infiltrated a rally being held by “The Washington State Three Percenters” - a right wing militia group...

Media reports on Baby Formula Biffo: Nobody mentions race

The XYZ yesterday reported on a video of an Australian man confronting two Chinese people who were allegedly buying more than their allotted share...

ScoMo scolded for failing to attend ritual humiliation at Ayers Rock

The far left has twisted itself in tight circles of cognitive dissonance trying to deal with the fact that so many white people actually...

Pauline Hanson wants Ayers Rock to Stay OPEN

The climb at Ayers Rock (known by some as “Uluru”) is set to be closed in October of this year, however not everyone is...

“Youths” clash at Moomba: Police are baffled

Here we go again, more of those pesky “youths” have “clashed” at Melbourne’s Moomba festival, which makes you wonder what it is about “youths”...

2000 attend Brisbane rally for white South African farmers

On Sunday 25th of March a rally was held in support of white South Africans, and in particular for white South African farmers who...