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Tag: national socialism

The National Gestalt: Traditionalism, Populism and Futurism

Antipodean Perspective The National Gestalt is a useful tool for understanding National Socialism in the 21st century. The Gestalt is comprised of 3 components: 1. Traditionalism:...

The economic and social failures of Communism and Capitalism

There was a meme that went around a while ago, it showed an image of a boy at a school science fair with a...

Churchill statue defaced: Guy who defeated the nazis is now racist

That thing I said would happen is happening: From the Australian: Black Lives Matter protesters have defaced a central London statue of Winston Churchill, branding him...

Stefan Molyneux’s EPIC FAIL on Wh1te N@tional1sm

Stefan Molyneux is a world famous writer, philosopher and content creator, he rarely makes mistakes but on this occasion, he’s made a big one. You...

The Crimes of Adolf Grindewald: Fantastic Beasts Movie Review

Matty's Modern Life has produced a Bitchute exclusive video for his review of Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindewald. The review was censored on YouTube...

Slackbastard confirm their definition of “neo-nazi”

It’s official. According to the far-Left, a “neo-Nazi” is anyone they really don’t like a lot. Not that we didn’t already know this, but now...

Nigel Farage gives EU apparatchik a history lesson

So it begins. The ruling body of Europe, which, let's not be shy about it, are Facists/Commies in disguise, are rewriting the history of...

Google & Facebook vs Dinosaur Media is Hitler vs Stalin

When Adolf Hitler invaded the Soviet Union in June 1941, launching the titanic struggle that would alter the course of World War Two, the...

Simone Weil’s Beef with Bureaucracy: The Bureaucratic Caste, Parasitism and Crony...

Born out of conversations with a friend from the United States, I was given the opportunity to read a compilation of fragments and essays...