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Tag: MSM

Traitor merchants AAP lose to the internet, get shut down

Learn to code. From 7news: Australia’s AAP Newswire will close after 85 years of supplying content to national and global newspapers, broadcast outlets and digital editions. The...

MSM and SJW’s murder conservative activist

A young man named Wilson Gavin who led a protest against a so-called "drag queen story hour" in Brisbane a couple of days ago...

Fake News Media DEMANDS Freedom of the Press

The Australian Mainstream Media recently launched the “Your Right to Know” campaign to demand press freedom. This is funny because until this point they’ve...

XYZ Live #89 – Media Hilariously Rally to Defend Press Freedom!...

Yesterday, the major news outlets in Australia blanked out their front pages to protest two AFP raids on journalists in June this year, and...

FRASER ANNING Campaign Launches and the Media SMEARS him!

Fraser Anning’s Conservative National Party (FACNP) is very new, barely 2 months old, and is in its first Federal Election campaign. Predictably, the mainstream media...

The Covington Catholic story separates the wheat from the chaff

Virgil Banowetz The reports about the confrontation between Covington High School students, Nathan Phillips, and the Black Hebrew Israelite demonstrators on 18 January 2019 present...

Nine Gobbles Fairfax

Two of Australia's biggest media companies, Nine and Fairfax, will merge to create a media giant: "Fairfax and Nine have announced a $4 billion merger...

XYZ Live #22: Eurydice Dixon, Media Propaganda and Donald Trump

Working together from Matty's Modern Life's studio, the conversation flowed well during this podcast. Topics covered included: The MSM's manipulation of the rape and...

Google & Facebook vs Dinosaur Media is Hitler vs Stalin

When Adolf Hitler invaded the Soviet Union in June 1941, launching the titanic struggle that would alter the course of World War Two, the...

Wang Show 0018: Epistle to Pauline

This episode of the Wang Show makes this point: Pauline Hanson is the candidate those of us opposed to the insane immigration policy forced...