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Tag: Matty’s Modern Life

Were Hitler and the Nazi Party really Left wing Socialists?

Nazi’s are often called ‘far-right’ by the establishment but is it actually true? In this video Matty looks at the policies of the National...

XYZ Live #18 – Free Tommy Robinson, Melbourne Protests, Venezuelan Migrant...

David Hiscox and Matty's Modern Life were joined again by El Dia Opina to discuss the big events of the last 72 hours. Given we...

How to stand up to bullies and stop bullying from happening

When it comes to countering bullying, there are several schools of thought on the matter. One approach is to use bullying as a pretext to...

Is Cultural Marxism a “far-right” conspiracy theory? Responding to Three Arrows

Since the internet has allowed knowing about Cultural Marxism to become widespread, its gatekeepers have done their best to suppress speech regarding Cultural Marxism...

XYZ Live #17 – Media Bias on Trump, Gender Neutral Councils...

David Hiscox and Matty's Modern Life were joined by Avi Yemini as they discussed the politics of the week. Topics included: Neil Erikson's activism...

New live stream channel

This article is a quick announcement that the channel for The XYZ Livestream with Matty's Modern Life is moving for the time being to...

XYZ’s Civil War

The XYZ has a Civil War - just read the comments. This is great news. Seriously. In the days when the XYZ was being conceived, one...

Democrat Mothers Day Epic Fail – The Greatest Political Ad Ever!

Editor: Do you down cocktails before noon and take photos of your son's laundry? Then this advertisement by a leftist organisation in the US...

Jordan Peterson, globalist shill.

Matty from Matty’s Modern Life has taken a great deal of exception to my criticism of his hero Jordan Peterson. He has been extremely...

In defence of Jordan Peterson, sort of

There’s been lot of talk here lately about Professor Jordan Peterson, and when I say talk I mean repeated criticism. Some of it has...