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Tag: mass immigration

Does Dutton Want Nukes?

If we get nuclear power, I’m going back to 1985 and staying there. From Peter Dutton has doubled down on the Coalition’s decision to push...

Paradigm Shift: Malcolm Roberts Flags Zero Net Migration

Firstly, consider that domestic politics in the current year Australia is basically a matter of managing the indigenous Anglo population while we are systematically...

The Denial at the Heart of Australia’s Defence Strategy

In Tucker Carlson’s interview with Matt Benz, Benz noted that “NATO was publishing white papers saying that the biggest threat NATO faces is not...

Are the new boat people arrivals an inside job?

Just as Australia faces multiple crises of inflation, housing affordability and homelessness due to unprecedented mass immigration, a handful of boat people arrive in...

White Men will only go to War for a White Country

The inability of Globohomo to restock its armies with fresh recruits of White men has forced the tacit admission that they need us: In response,...

Reserve Bank Chairman fired for criticising immigration and racial replacement

Are these the words that condemned Reserve Bank governor Philip Lowe? "We're going to have 2 per cent more people in the country this year...

Australia’s international student ponzi scheme unmasked

From MacroBusiness. Leith van Onselen MB has long questioned the spurious relationship between our universities’ reliance on international student fees and university rankings, which we have...

After the French Riots

So the latest round of rioting in France seems at last to have burned itself out. In the end, it didn’t expand into a...

Welsh Government says Wales is Too White

From Patriotic Alternative. Joe Marsh First Minister Mark Drakeford and his comrades have decided that Wales is a "Nation of Sanctuary ". Of course, they didn't...

Albo’s rental apocalypse laid bare

From MacroBusiness. Leith van Onselen Two reports were released on Thursday showing how the Albanese Government’s record immigration policy is laying waste to Australian renters. Domain’s quarterly...