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Tag: Mark Latham

Christian Lebs BTFO LGBT Pedo Freaks in Sydney

Don’t mess with Christians. Christians push back against pedo freaks in Western Sydney. Leave our kids alone. — XYZ (@itsyourxyz) March 22, 2023 Pedo freaks hate being...

Identity Politics is Awesome

Originally published February 8, 2018. Seems quite a few people, especially on the right, don’t like “Identity politics” much. Sky commentator and Australian columnist Chris Kenny,...

Does Guardian writer Jason Wilson know anyone who’s not an Anarchist?

Frequent readers of XYZ would know about the rather funny antics of Guardian Opinion writer Jason Wilson. As we’ve pointed out in previous articles...

Why you should laugh at Jason Wilson when he talks about...

Guardian opinion columnist Jason Wilson is a funny leftist to read. Not quite as funny as Paul Syvret, the in-house, old fashioned socialist at the...

Quote of the Day: Leyonhjelm on Latham

The last couple of weeks have seen some very sensible moves on the libertarian and conservative side of Australian politics, with Cory Bernardi's Australian...

Mark Latham – public internet beggar

I am somewhat of a suspicious chap. This trait has been honed over a lifetime of being screwed over and of seeing other people...

It’s Time, Mark Latham!

Sky News has always been kind of cheap. What other news network would trot out eccentric news veterans like Terry Galloway (who always appears...

Bring back the Biff! 

Poor old Mark "Biff" Latham can't seem to hold down a job these days. The former professional hater was once the darling of the...

Lefties embroiled in censorship orgy

In 2004, the whole of the Australian left was going ga-ga about Mark Latham. The ABC loved him, the Labor faithful loved him. Students...