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Tag: Lucas Rosas

3 things you need to do to save Australia Day

If you’ve been paying attention you’ve probably realised the Left doesn’t like our country very much. And by that, I mean that the Left hates...

“Youths” clash at Moomba: Police are baffled

Here we go again, more of those pesky “youths” have “clashed” at Melbourne’s Moomba festival, which makes you wonder what it is about “youths”...

Queensland Communists to hold show trials of opponents of gay marriage

Dictators love elections and free speech. It does the secret police's job for them when political dissidents, thinking they are protected by such arcane...

The XYZ simple guide to the Syrian Civil War, part 2

Editor: This is part 2 of Lucas Rosas' exploration of the major players in the Syrian Civil War. You can read part 1 here....

The XYZ simple guide to the Syrian Civil War, part 1

This article was oublished on October 7, 2017. For some reason, the Syrian Civil War has been in the news again, so it...

Why elections don’t change anything (much)

Ever wonder why it doesn’t seem to matter who’s in power, things always keep moving in the same direction? Ever stop to ask yourself why,...

Shooting Abbott only makes him stronger

On Tuesday night former prime minister Tony Abbott made a fairly innocuous speech to the Australia Institute on the subject of immigration. The gist...

The long, slow death of the Australian refugee movement

It’s difficult for people who aren’t inveterate watchers of the extreme Left to understand how important the Refugee movement has been to them, and...

The hilarious Leftist assault on Abbott’s immigration plan

Generally, the response from the right to Tony Abbott’s speech calling for a modest reduction in the immigration intake was unhinged. You had a...

Judith Sloan comes out swinging on immigration conspiracy

There are two good blondes at The Australian who generally make a lot of sense. Janet Albrechtsen is these days too socially libertarian in...