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LGPT Activists Openly Call for Violence against Christians

LGPT activists are now openly calling for state violence to suppress anyone and everyone who openly criticises their degenerate lifestyle. Many during the fake marriage...

Unpunished no good deed ever goes

Unpunished no good deed ever goes. And amidst all angst, change and woes, There is never a smooth path for the weary to travel, That the mentally...

Go Sonia!

Sonia Kruger, co-host of Channel 9's Today show, is rapidly becoming a champion of freedom of speech and basic common sense. She shot to...

Gay Men “Not Oppressed Enough” Quote of the Day

The National Union of Students' LGBT Campaign—a federation of British student-activists—passed a motion at a recent meeting to end committee representation for gay men; because...

Sam Smith sin-binned for Oscars speech

British musician Sam Smith has been embroiled in controversy over his acceptance speech after receiving an Academy Award for Best Original Song for his...

Want Safer Schools? Ditch the ‘Safe’ Schools Program

Finally some good news. Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has sought a review of the controversial tax payer funded 'safe schools' program. The program, whilst marketing itself...