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Tag: immigration

A final solution to the problem of mosquitoes in the bedroom

Apparently the title of this article is made up of one of the most offensive terms imaginable. Hard to believe, I know. But our...

Uppity 2nd generation immigrant gets mad at citizens of nation who...

Timothy Tam Charis is furious. She is mad as hell! She feels that people aren't accepting her as a fellow Australian. I am as shocked as...

Viewer Poll: Should Australia hold a Plebiscite on Immigration?

In his maiden speech to Federal Parliament, Senator Fraser Anning has made the following proposal: "We need a plebiscite to allow the Australian people to...

A New White Australia Policy: Senator Fraser Anning Makes Maiden Speech

Did the White Australia Policy ever actually kill anybody? How many people were killed as a direct result of the White Australia Policy? When...

The Real Reason Australian Wages are NOT Growing

Originally published June 2, 2018. Sally the Socialist is running around telling everyone wages aren’t rising due to business greed, but is this actually true? Wages...

The actual inconvenient truth: The economy is a lie

Harry Hardrada Australians all let us rejoice, for we will never be mortgage free! We sold our soil and children for toil Our homes sold to Mr...

Are Blair Cottrell and the United Patriots Front (UPF) really Nazis?

Originally published January 22, 2018. There are few individuals who have been slandered by the media more than Chairman of the United Patriots Front, Blair...

Australian Left using Super Saturday results to sabotage the economy

The Super Saturday results, in which five bi-elections were held as a result of the citizenship fiasco in the Australian parliament, has provided a...

Dave Uren thinks Mass-Immigration is good for Australia and the economy

Matty's Modern Life counters the arguments made in an article in the Australian by David Uren in favour of continued mass migration to Australia. Matty...

Apparently the way to fix immigration is with more immigration

What have immigration and the minimum wage got in common? The correct number for both is ZERO. According to our conservative party masters in the Liberal...