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Tag: Grumpy Motorist

Liberal Democrats advocate 130 limit on open roads

Looks like the Liberal Democrats have been listening to Grumpy. At least someone in parliament has: "The LDP believes traffic laws should strike a better...

Why do you think the Government is constantly reducing speed limits?…/1FAIpQLScqjKxgfvuOWDByg3…/viewform I as a grumpy petrol head have cast my vote. My favourite question was "Why do you think the Government is constantly reducing speed...

Yet another racing driver calls for higher limits on Australian roads

Daniel Ricciardo has given his thoughts on Australian roads vs those in Europe: "FORMULA One star Daniel Ricciardo has called for faster European-style speed zones...

Just Business

We've had some rather intense stuff on The XYZ today. Here is a maths challenge from Grumpy Motorist to lighten the mood on a...

Extreme Ownership: We Brought This On Ourselves

Recently i have been reading and listening to a US Navy SEAL officer from the second Gulf war; Jocko Willink. Post navy career, Willink, works...

XYZ At the Movies – Star Wars: The Last Jedi THIS ARTICLE CONTAINS SPOILERS. THIS ARTICLE CONTAINS SPOILERS. THIS ARTICLE CONTAINS SPOILERS. I've recently come back from the latest Disney money grab from a franchise...

A Grumpy Thought: Triple J off air, Australia rejoices

Triple j went down for an hour this morning and mass leftist screaming followed. Was it due to: A. Technical malfunction? B. ABC got defunded? C. Radiohead’s...

Foot to the Floor! The Audi RS3 Sedan

Welcome back to the XYZ's second instalment of Foot to the Floor! For this issue we have gone from the industry-changing Tesla Model S...

A Grumpy Thought: Drugs at Music Festivals

There's a whole lotta hoo-haa about police searches and sniffer dogs for drugs at music festivals. Recently I saw a "know your rights" ad...

Petition: 40km/h is Unsafe

To sign this petition, you can visit here. To Vicroads and the Minister for Roads and Road Safety, The Hon. Luke Donnelley M.P., As of...