Tag: GetUp!
Stop hate speech before it occurs: Pre-crime comes to Victoria
Victorian coppers used to look pretty cool, back in the 1890's.
Even in the 1990's they looked respectable.
In the current year, well, just shoot me..
A Tale of Two Ex-Leaders – a 2019 Election Story
With the close of another election the political landscape of Australia has once again been reformed and it is time to endlessly debate the...
Tony Abbott names the Soros
The left have an uncanny knack of picking their most dangerous opponents. Their narcissism may prevent them from being able to understand how normal...
Christopher Pyne the traitorous GetUp! stooge
Editor: Originally published October 17, 2017. This article has been getting quite a few hits recently, especially considering the recent failure of conservatives...
Australian Press Council chairman calls communist “outstanding Australian” because he has...
GetUp! are a communist front organisation for Labor and the Greens which hilariously tried to pass itself off as an independent organisation, before it...
Exposed: More Liberal MPs working with GetUp!
When it was recently uncovered that Christopher Pyne had worked with the far-left group GetUp! to try and attack his conservative enemies inside the...
People Flocking to Sign Up to Cory Bernardi’s ‘Australian Conservatives’
Over 50,000 people have signed up to the new group, 'Australian Conservatives' (www.conservatives.org.au), an initiative launched only a month ago by Liberal Party MP...
It’s about Sovereignty
A flurry has been stirred in the media today, following the announcement that the Australian Border Force, combined with police and transport officers will...
GetUp! and Greens confirm: ABC is mouthpiece of the left
Following the lead of the Australian Greens, the left wing organisation, 'GetUp!' has launched a campaign to fund political action in electorates where recent...