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All hail Duterte

The Other McCain has an interesting piece up about The Philippines. "Did you know that the European Union is funding a Communist insurgency in the...

The Brexit Election and the March of Nationalism

You can't stop us. You can deplatform us, put our names on lists, misdirect us with silly ideas and gatekeepers, use lawfare against us,...

Scotland reveals the lie at the heart of civic nationalism

The three year shenanigans surrounding Brexit continue apace as the UK heads to a general election in December. The Tories remain smugly confident but...

Great Britain to hold election: Effectively a second Brexit referendum

I had been hoping that Boris Johnson and Queen Elizabeth would personally lead a long column of tanks, ahead of hundreds of thousands of...

The Uncuckables Ep. 25: Brexit and Youexit

Traitors in Britain have spent the last three years demanding a second referendum on Brexit. Yet now that Boris Johnson wants to hold...

Boom boom Brexit

Three years we’ve been waiting for Brexit, like kids standing outside a sweet shop while mum is already 50 meters down the sodding road...

Hail Boris

Boris Johnson has been elected to keep Great Britain white. Along with Nigel Farage, Boris was a leading public figure in the effort to get...

Foreign agitators in the UK elections

The remainers in the UK are presently hard at it attempting to convince everyone that the recent EU election result is actually in their...

XYZ Live #69 – FAAAARRR-RIIIIGHT Sweeps Europe and More Leftist Tears

Thank you to everybody who tuned in to last night's XYZ livestream, next week we will be back to our usual Monday night at...

Crybaby Theresa May a globalist to the end

If you are going to quit your job, you really can't beat running away crying like a little girl. If you watch the full speech,...