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Tag: Diversity Flu

Diversity Shut Down Victoria

The corporate press and the ruling class were desperate to tell us that the ‘COVID’ spike was not a result of the BLM March....

XYZ Live #113 – The Return of the Ray Ray’s

Last night was the first XYZ Live in a couple of weeks now that Matty has a better internet connection, but we’re still working...

Globalism is good for you, goy

The oligarchs sold globalisation to us as a means of getting cheap goods and boosting prosperity, they spent years pushing their propaganda to convince...

Yes, Coronavirus is a Tool

The coronavirus pandemic has caused many on the Right to celebrate - the sword of Damocles has finally fallen on globalism's head, and good...

Fined for going outside

Sometimes you just have to sit in awe at the absurdity of the world around us today, it seems that every time you think...

Bugger Off: ScoMo tells foreigners “make your way home”

They must go back. From People visiting Australia or foreign students who are unable to support themselves due to the coronavirus crisis should go home,...

Dick Ears Dan Bans Guns

Gun control is not about controlling guns, it has never been about controlling guns, it will never be about controlling guns. It is always...

Adding fuel to the fire

I haven’t had any posts up for the last few days as I haven’t had anything to talk about. There is only so much...

XYZ Live #111 – How to Bankrupt the Economy in 6...

As usual our focus was on the Chinese Diversity Flu crisis, with relation to the following topics: Giving everybody money will lead to runaway...

XYZ Live #110 – Dick Ears Dan and the Bog Roll...

Queues are lining up around the block at Australian Centrelinks, the government is spending money like it is painted on money or something, and...