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Tag: democracy

Not even Aboriginals want a Voice to Parliament

Two weekends ago when South Australia held a vote for a state-based “voice to parliament” for aboriginals, almost nobody showed up: From Australians vs The...

Voice to Parliament: South Australia Defies Democracy

Not only did nobody ask for a “voice to parliament”, the entire concept was comprehensively rejected by the Australian people. Despite this, in South...

The Mirage of Democracy

With each passing month, the illusion of “liberal democracy” is beginning to dissolve before our very eyes. With three Prime Ministers having come and...

All Bets Are Off

So after the latest election farce across the pond it is clear that the United States is dead and all that is left are...

“Piss off back to Pakistan”: Based Pauline BLASTS Mehreen Faruqi

I guarantee you Pauline still reads XYZ News: One Nation leader Pauline Hanson has responded to a tweet by Greens senator Mehreen Faruqi following the...

Abortion And The Failure Of Democracy

The ending of Roe vs Wade in the United States has brought abortion to the forefront of people’s minds. Despite the rhetoric abortion has...

Aussie Cossack jailed for political activism

The Aussie Cossack has been jailed just days before the Australian election, which is to be held this Saturday, May 21. He gained a huge...

How to vote in the Australian election

Australia will soon go to the polls for a federal election. Australians themselves will not choose to vote; they will be ordered to under...

Democracy and Communism are natural bedfellows

William Wildblood has written a piece on how we are now all Communists, or at least living under such regimes in all but name. This...

Let democracy die

I don’t do social media, but when I do it’s only on Gab. There are a lot of Christians on Gab, and when I...