Defeating Their Bureaucracies


John Wilder alerted me to the following quote of unusual excellence:

During this election cycle, someone (I don’t have a reference as to whose idea this was) noted that when the GloboLeft said “our democracy” they were really referring to “our bureaucracy”. This is an amazingly astute observation.

“Our bureaucracy” also should be included with the far less used but equally relevant, “Our liberalism”. The two go hand in hand, like a pair of besotted demons traipsing lightly down the halls of a Planned Parenthood murder center. These socially retarded and morally evil institutions have been ruling our lives for the past fifty years or more. This reality is all I have ever known. I set up this website in order to document my protests against its existence in the form of my writing. To say that I am over it is to be putting it somewhat lightly.

A defining characteristic of the bureaucratic/liberal order is its adherence to ugliness. I have written before on the deliberate awfulness of modern architecture and how it is specifically designed to crush our souls. Liberalism pursues ugliness in all of its forms, (because liberalism is demonic evil), and the excuse for the ugliness is the requirement for following the uncountable regulations that the bureaucracy exists to continually invent. The more hoops that we have to jump through then the more soul destroying our lives become.

Our work lives are demoralising in their soul crushing routine, and many of us are forced to follow such bureaucratic evilness while working inside the ugliest buildings ever designed by human beings. When we step outside to smoke a hurried cigarette due to bureaucracy having decided that the enjoyment of having a smoke at our desk was unacceptable, we huddle in the avenues of our cities; wind-swept gorges cut through the towering ugliness and banality of steel, concrete and glass.

Tucker Carlson recently commented on this architectural betrayal:

Many commentators are getting their hopes up at the prospect of the liberal world order being overturned. Yesterday I saw a photo of a group of young women seated at a restaurant in Los Angeles enjoying a meal together. What made it noteworthy was that every single woman was wearing a red MAGA hat. Such a public display of disobedience to the ruling liberal paradigm would have been unthinkable just a month ago, in fact they would most probably have been refused service.

I have a real hope that liberalism, which is now in its current iteration of “woke”, will soon be to die an ignominious death. Hope is a virtue and it is important not to wallow in despair. But while I see the green shoots tentatively springing up around us, I am also extremely cautious. Still, the most important thing is that the normies’ awakening and new found courage continues. We must encourage them whenever we can. We do not have the luxury of having been right for a very long time. What counts is that liberalism is destroyed and that what rises in its wake is the real Christianity which it successfully supplanted for so long.

Originally published at Pushing Rubber Downhill. You can purchase Adam’s books here.