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Tag: Debt

7 simple steps for living a happy and successful life

“A wise man learns from the mistakes of others, the rest of us have to be the others.” I cannot remember where I heard this...

Financial Collapse Incoming: Remember Who To Blame

On the back of the Federal Reserve firing up the printing press, in what looks like a panicked attempt at preventing the inevitable rerun...

Single mothers are the untouchables of Western society

The Z Man has an article up on conservative feminism. His take is that feminism is bad across the board, but as in all...

The actual inconvenient truth: The economy is a lie

Harry Hardrada Australians all let us rejoice, for we will never be mortgage free! We sold our soil and children for toil Our homes sold to Mr...

The Parable of Wasteful Government

By Liberator Zen As Australia’s Commonwealth Government Debt approaches half a trillion dollars let us remember the time when we passed the quarter trillion dollar...

Greece: From tragedy to absurdity

Over the last few days, the Greek financial tragedy has become absurd. Over the last few days, the Greek government has passed the EU deadline to...

Dire Straights: Money for Nothing

You have just got to love rising housing prices. Governments get vast revenues that shore up budgets, banks make slim margins on rapidly increasing...