Tag: Curt Doolittle
Why Propertarianism Failed
If there is one thing that our society is missing, right now, it is religion. Human beings need religion, it is in our DNA...
My Final Word on the Propertopia
Having watched Matty's interview, done a revision of Propertarianism, and spent time in thought and reflection, I can say with honesty that I am...
Propertarianism is not an ideology
The most important rule in any philosophical debate is very simple: if you cannot argue both sides, you cannot argue either. Another way to...
Property, Christ and Truth: Discussing Propertarianism with Curt Doolittle
Here is the second in a series of articles and videos on Propertariansm. Matty's Modern Life speaks directly with Curt Doolittle, the founder of...
Propertarianism Won’t Save You
Editor: In the coming days we will publish a variety of articles and videos which discuss Propertarianism, some for, some against. We begin with...