Tag: Cultural Marxism
Activist of the Year – Dividing the Nation
One wonders if the collection of social engineering zealots responsible for electing the annual Activist (aka. ‘Australian’) of the Year might just have realised...
Gallipoli: The most important battle of the Twentieth Century
Gallipoli, as my XYZ colleague Boethius argued recently, is rightly seen as the birthplace of the nation of Australia. Along with our fellow ANZACS...
PJTV Video: Critical Theory, and what to do about it.
Here is an important video, via the brilliant PJTV, which gets to the heart of the Culture War, not to mention who started it.
The XYZ: Classical Liberalism and Cultural Libertarianism
The XYZ developed out of dissatisfaction with the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, and other mainstream media. We are an independent media organisation focused on principles...