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Tag: Climate Change Deniers

Climate Cultists At The Con Demand Deniers Repent

The Climate Cultists over at The Con are going hard pushing the word of The Science to their fawning and adoring acolytes of doom....

The Con says the Prime Minister is a very naughty boy

As reported widely, a taxpayer funded propaganda blog, ironically known as The Conversation, recently decided having to defend their faith was just too hard: Once...

XYZ Live #85 – Islam is Right About Women

I started this one off chuckling away to my heart's content and why not. The meme "Islam is right about women" is a brilliant...

Top Ten Times Pope Francis Revealed his Inner SJW in 2017...

Micaiah Some see the election of then-Cardinal Bergoglio in 2013 as a seismic shift in the direction of the Church of Rome. Others argue that...

In Defence of Malcolm Roberts’ Sceptical Views on Climate Change

By Grumblebum After all the hype, hollerin', mocking, sarcasm, innuendo, smear, disparagement and attempts at entrapment by the ABC’s Q&A team, not to mention the...

The Progressive Dehumanisation of Conservatives

When news broke a few days ago that Facebook had been suppressing conservative, or so called "right wing" content, it was no surprise to...

Mild day in Melbourne brings relief to Climate Change True Believers

The mercury soared in Melbourne yesterday to 17 degrees Celsius, allowing socially aware residents of the inner city to breath a collective sigh of...