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US Government Funded Antifa “Private Spies” Launch Program To Dox Nationalists...

Private intelligence outlet Bellingcat is planning a US government backed "anti-fascist" information war against right-wing political activists in Eastern Europe, according to a wanted ad on their...

From “Spook Air” to the “Lolita Express”: The Genesis and Evolution...

Originally published at Mint Press News. On August 10th, and for several days after, speculation swirled after it was announced that Jeffrey Epstein had been...

Trump’s Mentor a Homosexual Jew who dies of AIDS

Originally published at Mint Press News on July 25, 2019, under the headline "Government by Blackmail: Jeffrey Epstein, Trump’s Mentor and the Dark Secrets...

Hidden in Plain Sight: The Shocking Origins of the Jeffrey Epstein...

Editor's note: This article is a repost of a piece written by Whitney Webb and published by Mint Press News on July 18, 2019....

The Zuckhole

Lady Sheila Yowess DCSG The term 'Zucked' has acquired a whole new dimension since Guy Rosen, a Facebook Veep of Product Management disclosed 'the hole...

Vox and the lying press on South Africa

Candace D. Phit. Let's peruse Vox's latest propaganda piece. Please take note of how they lay the occassional grain of truth and then do the...

Fake News – CIA, CNN & Fairfax Punked

It is only Thursday, and this week has already exceeded all expectations for progressive and MSM lunacy in the increasingly demented attempts to discredit...

Media Madness IV: Blame the Russians – FBI says No

BJ Obama has ordered a report on the CIA assessment that the Russian Government interfered in the presidential election, and a group of Democrat electors...

Media Madness III: Blame the Russians

BJ It seems we are through the Looking-Glass yet again, in the latest attempt by the MSM and the Democrats to make someone else responsible...

A vocational education certificate for $1,169,000

This article was originally published on 7/10/16 at where Adam Piggot blogs regularly and brilliantly. Adam Piggott This week in the cold and not warming...