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Tag: BitChute

ECAJ release their 2019 list of everyone they hate and it’s...

ECAJ just recently released another list of people and viewpoints they hate, they call it “anti-Semitism” but we all know this is just Jewish...

Property, Christ and Truth: Discussing Propertarianism with Curt Doolittle

Here is the second in a series of articles and videos on Propertariansm. Matty's Modern Life speaks directly with Curt Doolittle, the founder of...

Mayor Dick Gross Attacks Australia’s Birthday

Mayor Dick Gross recently decided to attack Australia and the Australian people by using taxpayer money to prostrate St Kilda Council to far left...

Fake News Media DEMANDS Freedom of the Press

The Australian Mainstream Media recently launched the “Your Right to Know” campaign to demand press freedom. This is funny because until this point they’ve...

The Con blames Nationalism for Global Warming

The Con is at it again, attacking people they disagree with for any reason they can, no matter how ridiculous. Apparently, nationalism = climate change. Follow...

The “Conversation” bans conversation because they want conversation, or something

The Conversation Australia recently decided to ban all accounts that dare to question The Science of the Global Warming religion, this wouldn’t be an...

PewDiePie rescinds ADL donation and Jews lose their minds!

PewDiePie is either a clown bubbling around cluelessly, or he's just pulled off the most epic troll in history. Either way, the results are exactly...

Oxfam says refugees are good for the economy!

Oxfam recently released a study that hilariously claims refugees would be great for the economy. They are wrong, laughably so. To watch this video, follow the...

As Predicted Transgender Lunacy comes to Victoria – BITCHUTE EXCLUSIVE

The Socialist Republic of Victoria, under Dictator Dan Andrews, wants to allow anyone to change genders on their birth certificates. This is exactly what we...

XYZ Live #73 – God Bless Israel Folau

On Monday night we discussed the Israel Folau saga and the far left's obsession with suppressing any hint of dissent. We also analysed the debate...