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Tag: Bill Shorten

Food for Thought – Slut-Shaming the Sycophantic Socialist Slappywag

It utterly bewilders me how any rational Australian citizen can look fondly in favour of the proto-Marxist Labor Party, particular when its Federal leader...

The Gollum Ghazi of GetUp!

Federal Labor Leader and former board member of GetUp!, Mr. silly Billy Shorten, has been struggling to wrestle an ounce of integrity as future...

Food for Thought – Beta Boob Bill Will Never be PM

For some time now it has been noted that Labor leader Bill Shorten has been on a steady decline into utter ineptitude within Australian...

Weekend Penalty Rates

A quick note to those who have some jimmys ruffled about the Sunday penalty rates slashed by to the Fair Work Commission. The Commission was...

Gay Marriage Still on the Agenda

Is it me, or does it look increasingly likely that Parliament will now bypass the people and pass a gay marriage law without our...

Food for thought – Shorten attempts to play the populist

While Marxists in the U.S. continue to impersonate Trump supporters (to stir up greater division by which to capitalise on), our globalist scumbags at...

Food for thought – Rainbow wonderland where whitey is to blame

Labor leader Bill Shorten was suckling at their ABC’s microphone this morning, which for anyone who bothers to listen to the mainstream media anymore...

Why are the left so frightened of a plebiscite?

Why are the left so frightened of a plebiscite? And when I say frightened I don’t mean a little nervous, they seem utterly terrified at...

Food for thought – the 45th Parliament a hotbed of pinkos

During today’s ceremonial observances to the opening of the 45th Parliament, their ABC provided minute-by-minute coverage of the ritual rort known as ‘Welcome to...

What happened to 70 percent, Mr Shorten?

So, let's get this straight, so to speak, right from the start. Until a few days ago, Labor and the Greens, and advocates of...