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Tag: BBC

What if this does have something to do with Islam –...

Just a thought to contemplate. Imagine if the ABC and BBC and the Imam's and Islamic lobby groups and the UN and all the...

Who wants to be politically correct?

The term "politically correct" is rather pervasive these days. It's a catch cry and a creed to aspire to and live by. But have...

British leaving London: BBC obscures simple reality

In our latest edition of "What's wrong with this article?" we bring you a shining example, from a BBC article on February 20, 2013,...

Straight to the Point – Are we on the same planet?

What a superb question the Isreali Prime Minister puts to the BBC activist masquerading as an 'interviewer' in this perfect exchange. It's only one...

BBC appear unhappy about looming cuts

The British government are doing what any sensible government would do. Cutting an out of control organisation down to size, and insisting the BBC be...