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Tag: #auspol

Protesting the Left Gets You Arrested

If you live outside of Australia you might never have heard of Neil Erikson. He has his fans and his detractors on the Right....

Remigration – Episode Twenty Two – Melbourne Traditionalists Podcast

In this episode we flesh out the ideas discussed by Mark Moncrieff, from Upon Hope, in his article on Remigration. David Hiscox notes that the...

XYZ Live #98 – Chinese Buying a Burning Hot Australia

Adam Piggott joined Matty's Modern Life and David Hiscox last night to discuss the following topics: Australian bushfires and green lies Greta Toonsperger John...

ECAJ release their 2019 list of everyone they hate and it’s...

ECAJ just recently released another list of people and viewpoints they hate, they call it “anti-Semitism” but we all know this is just Jewish...

XYZ Live #95 – Diversity is TOTES our Strength! Sadiq Khan...

Whenever a Western leader states that "diversity is our strength" after a diversity incident in a Western city, that message is not directed toward...

XYZ Live #94 – David Leyonhjelm Did NOTHING WRONG!

The big news last night was that David Leyonhjelm has been ordered to pay a tribute of $120,000 to Sarah Hanson-Young because vagina. When...

You can’t even white flight any more

Yesterday, for no reason whatsoever, I typed "jobs in regional Victoria" into the duckduckgo search engine. I followed a link to a vicgov website,...

The Con blames Nationalism for Global Warming

The Con is at it again, attacking people they disagree with for any reason they can, no matter how ridiculous. Apparently, nationalism = climate change. Follow...

PewDiePie rescinds ADL donation and Jews lose their minds!

PewDiePie is either a clown bubbling around cluelessly, or he's just pulled off the most epic troll in history. Either way, the results are exactly...

Oxfam says refugees are good for the economy!

Oxfam recently released a study that hilariously claims refugees would be great for the economy. They are wrong, laughably so. To watch this video, follow the...