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Redpilling Norm the Normie 2

Originally published March 11, 2019. Lately there has been discussion regarding the difference between a Normie and an NPC (Non Playable Character ). Some say a...

Does the ABC advocate white supremacy?

Originally published April 29, 2018. Do white people have characteristic traits which help them succeed in things like business, winter sports and civilisation? If so,...

ABC disappointed race riots haven’t started in Australia

Sean Harrison The ABC is in disarray tonight, after a week-long race-baiting campaign has failed miserably, causing turmoil among senior management. The publicly funded broadcaster expressed...

Holy Sydney Smoke

From The Australian this morning: "Air quality has plunged, Sydney is choking on smoke, buildings have been evacuated and ‘false’ smoke alarms have sounded across...

The ABC’s Feminist Q&A has a total SHOCKER!

Feminists recently went on QandA and had an absolute shocker when asked a very poignant question; they proceeded to respond both honestly and tellingly. We...

The Uncuckables Epstein 34: Who Killed the Mainstream?

Some big news stories this week: Project Veritas ABC leak on the Jeffrey Epstein murder. Groypers destroy fake conservatives at Turning Point USA. Both...

Feminists advocate murdering men: Matildas get equal pay

Here is women's soccer. Here is real soccer. But hey let's give the chicks more money. From SBS: Football Federation Australia and Professional Footballers Australia have detailed a...

ABC Shocker: QandA Panel Advocates Terrorism

Good news everybody. The ABC just went accelerationist. This is epic. The ABC openly promotes terrorism. — XYZ (@itsyourxyz) November 4, 2019 Before we examine what...

We Were Never Asked

While browsing through my facebook feed I came upon an ABC Brisbane fun article where someone had called in to lament the sticky flowers...

The ABC Says the National Anthem is Ray Ray

ABC show The Weekly recently produced a piece that takes a direct swipe at the Australian flag and all people of European heritage. It’s a...