I Only Say I’m a Vegan


We all know someone is a vegan because they tell us, but the other thing we know about vegans is they get meat envy. Who can blame them:

“Me and my vegan friends have superior souls,
But quietly I’ll admit to enjoying sausage rolls.”

Christmas is the worst time of the year to be a vegan. Let’s rub it in.

Deefer has put out some good material. I’m a leftie proved quite popular when we first published it on The XYZ a couple of years ago:

And Everybody’s on welfare but me makes for a good singalong:

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Deefer is a writer of songs that feature riffy guitar work and witty lyrics. Like most muso's, he relies on a day job to pay his family bills. Being self employed, Deefer describes his job security as "unbeatable". He says his private life is "somewhat irregular" being still married to his first and only wife and the same couple being the parents of all three children in their household. Also, a little differently from most Conservatives , Deefer advocates a doubling of pension and unemployment benefits; that is providing the number of persons drawing them be more than halved. However don't be fooled by his friendly disposition as he does sometimes show a darker side. He is rumored to be furious that his song "I'm a Leftie" was overlooked for a Grammy. And he is known to release his venom in song. Just ask Julia Gillard (Misogyny), Malcolm Turnbull (Blue Arsed Fly) or Sam Dastyari (The Type that Doesn't Pay).