Responding to Computing Forever regarding YouTube Bell Notifications


For those who are interested, Matty’s Modern Life has put together a video explaining the benefit of YouTube’s two-tiered subscriber system. Considering that Matty has had a lot to say about YouTube’s draconian approach to speech suppression, this video has value in that it is important that we criticise the tools of the globalists for the right reasons.

For XYZ viewers, we have two livestreams coming up this week: Satya Marer of the Australian Taxpayers’ Alliance will be joining us on Monday evening at 9:30 pm AEST to discuss the politics of the week, with a special focus on Starbucks’ disastrous week of virtue signalling; and on Wednesday, 9:30 pm AEST we will hold an ANZAC Day special, hopefully with a special guest.

You will find both at Matty’s Modern Life’s YouTube channel:

You can visit MattysModernLife at Minds, Maker Support and Gab.