Is Australia a “nation of migrants” or a Colonial Nation?
Eric Louw
In 1788 the British established the Colony of New South Wales when the First Fleet landed a party of convicts, marines and officials at Sydney Cove.
In dispatching these settlers to Australia, Britain was...
New Queensland Premier OBLITERATES Aboriginal Treaty Nonsense
Queensland’s newly elected Premier David Crisafulli has given us a rare example of an elected government actually respecting the democratic will of the people.
He has axed a so-called “truth telling commission” and repealed a...
Kamala election ad incites Asians to hate whites
Although it pains me to do this, I can’t help but write a piece on the current US presidential election.
Er, selection.
The political process in representative democracies is a farce. A puppet show put on...
Inquiry’s Shock Finding: After Covid, Nobody Trusts The Government
There was never a Covid pandemic.
They literally just rebranded the flu.
Given the Australian government shut down the economy, held people prisoner in their homes and forced them to take poison in response to a...
BRICS: The end of Modernity
The 2024 BRICS summit just finished up in Kazan, Russia, with Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran and the United Arab Emirates attending for the first time.
BRICS meetings look like every other super-boring international meeting we’ve seen...
Trump Will Win
My latest thoughts on the upcoming US election. Trump will be allowed to win as he is the most pro-Israel candidate. A Trump presidency will inspire Southern boys to enlist in the military to...
Lidia Thorpe Is The Future
This week, Whacko Thorpo did it again.
Senator Lidia Thorpe attempts to disrupt and silence a women’s rights protest in Canberra, and is dragged away by police.
— Rukshan Fernando (@therealrukshan) March 23, 2023
Wait, that’s...
Israel is uniting the Muslim world
While all around us, dear reader, the normies carry on completely unaware, you and I know that decisions are being made in the Middle East right now that will permanently alter our way of...
Andrew Bolt Highlights The Great Australian Replacement on Prime Time Television
Sky News presenter Andrew Bolt is the Tucker Carlson of Australian politics. Every weeknight hundreds of thousands of normie Aussie conservatives tune in to watch him articulate what they’re all thinking and feeling.
Last week...
How to keep the faith when the UFOs show up
Another week, another UFO story by the establishment media. This week was no different.
This time, a retired Pentagon official has stated that ‘UFO mother ships’ released swarms of drones over 17 days last December....