Absolutely, categorically the last XYZ article on what The Bible says about playing with...

I was in a winter forest. Had I just been in a battle? Now I was alone. There was a frozen lake in front of me. I started to walk across it. I saw...

How The Israelis Meddled In The 2022 Midterms

From the National Justice Party. Joseph Jordan Much has been said about “foreign meddling” in the American electoral process in the last seven years. Democrats will often scapegoat Russia for electoral defeats, while Republicans enjoy spinning...

In Memoriam: Theodore J. Kazcynski

The Industrial Revolution and its consequences are a disaster for the human race. This article is not a long-winded elegy on the life of Dr. Kazcynski, but rather a re-emphasis on the fundamental ideals that...

Dutton: Ditch Voice Referendum

Peter Dutton has called it and he’s spot on. The “voice” is toast: From the New Daily: Peter Dutton has launched an extraordinary attack on the Indigenous Voice, again urging Prime Minister Anthony Albanese to call...

Did Jesus Jerk Off?

On my piece about sex as a pathway to demonic possession there were a few comments from protestant readers who took exception to my claim that masturbation is a sin. I’ve been a born-again Christian...

Covid Vaccine Killed Shane Warne: According to President of Australian Medical Professionals Society

Several highly credentialed doctors are connecting the death of cricket legend Shane Warne to the Covid vaccine. XYZ News was right. From the Daily Sceptic: Leading doctors have concluded that the death of legendary Australian cricketer...

Pro-Paedo Bookshop, Rabble Books & Games in Perth, Hosts Grooming Event

The City of Bayswater in Perth, Western Australia, gave the green light for degenerate performance artist “Cougar Morrison” to teach children to trust homosexual pederasts at Maylands library last Saturday. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2ZIyjmYVKwA&pp=ygUYTWF5bGFuZHMgbGlicmFyeSBwcm90ZXN0 Some call the event “Drag...

Shutting Down Drag Queens and Aboriginal Voice Getting Wrecked, With Stephen Wells

The gents discuss the latest protest against child grooming in Western Australia. They also dive into the unravelling case for an Aboriginal Voice to Parliament and how Labor have successfully diverted attention away from David...

The unbelievable housing hypocrisy of the Teals

From MacroBusiness. Leith van Onselen Recall that the Teal federal member for Wentworth (capturing Sydney’s wealthy eastern suburbs), Allegra Spender, penned two articles last year demanding a big lift in immigration, while also contradictorily demanding lower...

Voice to Parliament will BREAK UP Australia

Yesterday a bill to hold the referendum on the so-called aboriginal “voice to parliament” passed through parliament in Canberra. While the Prime Minister crowed at his easy legislative success, support for the voice is...

How Canberra will hide the Aussie recession

From MacroBusiness. David Llewellyn-Smith Did it happen if a tree fell in the woods but no one was around to hear it? More crucially, did an economy contract in the midst of a growing population? This dilemma is...

Conservative Judges Are Overturning Bans On “Trans” Mutilation and Drag Queen Strip Shows

From National Justice Party. Joseph Jordan The conservative movement has in the last two years seemingly embraced the fight against transsexual ideology. The issue has saturated right-wing media, often at the expense of other pertinent issues...

Drag Queen Story Hour SHUT DOWN at Bayswater Library

I arrived at Maylands Library in Bayswater, Perth, on Saturday 17th June after a three hour drive from my home to discover that commitment to oppose government sponsored drag queen story hour had severely...

Gender (re)assignment: Victorian schoolkids forced to write about changing gender

From Historiologist. A Victorian high school this term has assigned a compulsory task to Year 9 students in which they write a letter explaining why they are changing their gender. Outraged parents took to social media...

Chastity and Lust and Possession

Francis Berger shares with us a comment that a reader left on his blog concerning sex, or love, or … something. As far as the commenter was concerned, sex opened up possibilities for elevated expressions...
Majak Daw.

Is multi-racialism in the AFL worth it?

Trevor Tolstoy Partnerships between ethnic minorities and organisations like The AFL are ending in tears. ​In case anyone needed any confirmation, the AFL is now overwhelmingly woke. Being the utterly commercial organisation that it is, the Melbourne-based...

Collapse of Rome 2.0: USA offers citizenship to recruit foreign soldiers

From Historiologist. When the United States was founded in 1789, the largely Masonic Founding Fathers envisioned it as a New Rome. The new nation’s constitution was modelled directly on the Roman Republican system. Latin was...

Glass in the Eye: The Smashing of the Overton Window

From Patriotic Alternative. B Hall The Overton Window, also known as the window of discourse, is the range of policies said to be politically acceptable to the mainstream population at a given time. It's often said...

Rumours Daniel Andrews will QUIT: Will he flee Victoria?

Rumours are swirling today that Daniel Andrews is tired of being a dictator and wants to open a factory in Bangladesh where he will force orphans to skin puppies. Or perhaps he’ll just retreat to...

When Equality Fails

Liberalism once believed in hierarchy, that certain people were better at things than other people. That included individuals, races, sexes and social classes. It did not believe in equality and it took until after...