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BREAKING: Flannery prediction verified to be true

After weeks of trawling through transcripts of former 'alarmist of the year', paleontologist, and all round climate good guy, Professor Tim Flannery, the hardworking research team at XYZ (actually this reporter himself really), has...

Australian left goes feral: Refuses to accept blood on its hands

Bill Shorten sparked outrage last night among Labor and Green true believers, by not just affirming Labor's support for the Coalition policy of boat turn-backs, but acknowledging the moral case, indeed the superior moral...

Leftist media ‘independent’?

I had a chuckle when I stumbled across the Age newspaper's website this morning. Emblazoned with pride under the Age banner is this: "Independent. Always." Independent from what? Free thinking, perhaps? Independent from corporate interests? Independent from...

How I learned to stop worrying and love petrol

I found this a very interesting article. It discusses the environmental benefits petrol has brought to the world and to humanity, and how it has contributed enormously to improving human health and our standard of...

WA Government plans to teach Islam

It was reported yesterday that the Western Australian Government is "planning an extensive campaign to improve the community's understanding of Islam and Muslims." Western Australia's minister for Multicultural Interests, Dr Mike Nahan, described WA as...

Read if you are “ableist” to..

The vocabulary police were flourishing over the weekend over at the Age, with the frequently delusional Ruby Hamad on the job. Off the playlist in Ruby's car were the otherwise "progressive" Elvis Costello, John...

Sarah ‘Sea Patrol’ outrage over asylum seeker boat

Greens Senator Sarah Hanson Young was today reportedly outraged that she had been denied a prime tweeting opportunity by the Federal Government's callous refusal to confirm or deny the existence of an asylum seeker...

Iran: nuclear deal – still hates America and will support terrorists

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the supreme leader of Iran stated in a televised speech on the weekend that the historic nuclear deal reached last week will not change Iran's policy towards the United States. Iran's...

XYZ Viewer Poll: What crazy $&!? will Q&A pull tonight?

After flirting with Islamic State sympathiser Zaky Mallah, and then resorting to giving air time to a pre-pubescent child, readers are invited to nominate who will provide the 'gotcha' moment on tonight's Q&A.  Or,...

Why sportspeople are heroes

Sportspeople have had a bad run, lately. Aussie surfer Mick Fanning's close call with a shark last night is just one of a number of close shaves or actual tragedies to afflict our sporting...