Julia Gillard misogyny speech tea towel finally here!


And here it is at last, the limited edition, Julia Gillard misogyny speech tea towel, containing the full text of the (in)famous speech.  No more bored housewife in the home that has one.

imageThe wives of Australia will now be doing the dishes and wiping down the benches whilst snarling out those memorable lines, and God help any man who dares look at his watch whilst she is in full flight with this piece of history, and a stack of soiled crockery, in her hand. And ladies, there’s even more to come. Coming soon are the Penny Wong endorsed foldaway ironing board, and the Jenny Macklin line of hard wearing aprons, perfect for the busy mum in the modern kitchen, keen to get the evening dinner on the table before her hard working husband can tap out his pipe and settle into his favourite armchair. Both are emblazoned with select excerpts of the honourable member’s finest moments in the chamber and sure to please with pain free sedation.

Nothing, just nothing, says out of date, out of touch, and irrelevant, like this! The Liberal National Party offer their thanks and appreciation.